Some things in sport that really need to get lost ...

1. The World Cup taking place in Qatar
2. The IPL
3. Rugby taking the moral high ground over football
4. Any people from other sports taking the moral high ground over football
5. The grandiose music that they use over golf coverage, which exemplifies golf's matchless pomp and self-regard
6. Boxing having so many governing bodies
7. The underlying tacit homophobia throughout nearly all male sport. The blatant homophobia is somehow far easier to deal with
8. The idea that Tiger Woods is one of the greatest sportsmen of all time
9. America still not quite getting that football is bigger than all their sports put together
10. Institutionalised doping. Individual doping seems, again, far less of a problem. Some will try, some will fail, so be it, it's when you know a country, a squad, a team is doing it as standard and getting away with it ...
11. People disliking Andy Murray for any reason
12. Jonathan Agnew's weak facile wrong-headed opinion pieces. How can such a fine broadcaster be such a poor analyser of the game?
13. People who should know better using phrases along the lines of "Damned lies and statistics"
14. John Terry, of course
15. Top quality test players undervaluing test cricket. If test cricket should die a slow death, I will blame Chris Gayle
16. Bullying by powerful countries which stops lesser countries ever getting even, particularly in cricket and rugby
17. Football pundits spending any time discussing refereeing decisions
18. People obtusely failing to distinguish, ethically, between match-fixing and spot-fixing
19. Trying to shoehorn sportspeople into being role models

Perhaps this will be a list that goes on and on
